The Programming Chef

The Programming Chef

  • If you have suggestions or find bugs, feel free to email me at: The Programming Chef. The site will inform me of problems automatically, but I do enjoy questions and input from users.

  • Development environment: Visual Studio 2022, Microsoft SQL Database/SQL Server 2019, .NET 8.0, C# 12.0, Telerik UI for .NET Core, C#, Bootstrap 5, etc.
  • Site, database, and all other resources hosted on Everleap.
    • Prior to Sunday, June 20, 2021, the site was hosted on Azure.
    • Everleap increased performance by almost 3x, with similar cost.
  • Current supported data sets:
    • Various USDA food and nutrient databases (~38,000 items).
    • Recipes, as entered by users
    • Commercial products entered by users from nutrition labels
    • Food log entries entered by users
    • And others...
  • Function Descriptions:
    • "Browse Foods": Basic search of the registered nutrition databases.
    • "Analyze Recipes": One click generation of nutrition label from a recipe.
    • "Add Food Labels": Add foodItems from their nutrition label to the database.
    • "Meal Diary":
      • Track your daily food intake and see the nutrition you have put in your body.
      • I used this version for 100 days (January - April, 2017)....
      • ... and lost over 30 pounds! Seeing what you eat and drink tends to keep you honest.

Stay hungry, my friends!